What is 'flow'?

life Dec 20, 2021

A lot of times we see these two words lumped together.

Ease & Flow

But they are actually very different words.

You can experience more ease in your life when you start understanding your design and working with it instead of against it. Everything becomes a little easier.

But flow? Flow is not necessarily easy.

Being "in flow" does not mean it's a linear line that is smooth and perfect.

Being in flow means that you have surrendered to the process. That you have hopped in and you're letting the current take you without trying to fight it.

However, this does not mean that there will not be obstacles and that there will not be challenges. It just means that when you come up to these obstacles and challenges, you are going to surrender to the process of getting through them, rather than making it worse than it needs to be.

Think about it this way, you have two choices, stay where you're at, and never grow or learn new things… or you can hop in the river and let it carry you in it's natural flow state.

The river is going somewhere. However you don't know where.

You don't know if it's going to turn into rapids. You don't know if it's going to get low and you have to walk through some of it.

You don't know if it's going to run through a big lake that is smooth and serene. You don't know if it's going to fling you over a waterfall.

All you know is that it's going to take you somewhere, and you're going to learn a lot along the way.

And once you're in the river, you can go with the flow and see what happens and become a better person for it, or you can fight it at every obstacle.

So being "in flow" does not mean it's going to be perfectly smooth and easy, it just means that you've surrendered to the flow itself and you're open to experience all the things that has to offer.



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