Beginner's Guide to Human Design Jul 21, 2023

Human Design for Beginners

Everything you need to know - and nothing you don’t

A step-by-step Human Design Guide for total Newbies

Welcome to Human Design! If you are on this page, I'm going to assume that you are brand new to the world of Human Design, and I am excited for you to get your...

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All About Human Design Gate 32 - The Gate of Continuity Jul 18, 2023

Human Design Gate 32

Gate 32 - The Gate of Continuity

Sometimes known as the Gate of Duration

Welcome! I’m glad you’re here, and excited to learn more about Human Design Gate 32 energy. Human Design completely changed my life and business, and as an entrepreneur, a parent and partner,...

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Manifestor Musings Jul 06, 2023

An observation that I wanted to share.

Manifestors are all wildly different. There are a few things about being a Manifestor that are universal, but there is much more to the story, and many more differences than there are similarities. The profile, centers and gates and variables make up more of...

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Don't make decisions with your brain Jun 16, 2023

When I first started learning about Human Design. The biggest obstacle I had to overcome was getting over the fact that I needed to start using my body to make decisions instead of my brain and logic. Phew! That was a tough one!

I mean think about it, when we are kids we are immediately...

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What is the Self and the Not-Self Apr 23, 2023

This is actually such an easy concept that a lot of people get hung up on so let me share with you how I teach it.

The true self is when you are acting in accordance with your chart and the not-self is when you are going against it.

For example, if you have an open ajna, you will feel the...

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Living in Alignment with Human Design Apr 18, 2023

So here's the thing with Human Design. It's not enough to just look at your chart and 'read about yourself.' It doesn't work that way. It's not a personality test that tells you what you're like.

Instead, it's a map to who you truly are. 

Personality tests might give you a snapshot of who...

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Deconditioning with Human Design Apr 14, 2023

There are two types of people in human design when they first read their chart.

Type 1: "This is so me, it totally explains everything and I feel so empowered and I'm excited to learn more!"

Type 2: "This is not me at all."

So the reason why this happens is because of conditioning. And some...

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Self-Confidence by Design Apr 05, 2023

Lacking self-confidence is simply experiencing a fear of the unknown. 

Will they like me?

What if I fail.

What if I look stupid.

These fears lead to other fears like…

What if they don't like me, and then I will feel completely embarrassed and shunned from the group, and I won't be...

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How to Support Each Human Design Types Mar 08, 2023

What is so wonderful about the Human Design system is it really highlights how much we truly need all the different types. No single type can do it alone. Not even a Manifestor or a Line 2 (which are the most comfortable being alone.)

You can support Reflectors by loving and...

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How Human Design Can Help You Feb 03, 2023

Human Design can....

Help you make higher quality decisions (which makes for higher quality results.)

Help you understand how to manage all these crazy thoughts and feelings that course through your body each day, so you are not at their mercy.

Help you discern what is for you, and what isn't....

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The Difference between Human Design Facts and Interpretation Jan 03, 2023

Whenever I look at a chart, my mind explodes with possibilities. I see ways for people to make money, ways to improve communication and relationships, and even ways to improve health. I mean honestly, everything you could possibly want to know about your life is right in your chart.

I understand...

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Making Decisions based on your Authority Dec 21, 2022

How to make the best decisions using your Human Design Authority:


Making Decisions as an Emotional Authority

There is no truth in the now. I need to wait until I have felt up and happy, and then when I have felt down and low. After feeling the decision out through both of those, and coming...

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