There will always be somebody doing better than you... Nov 09, 2022

There's always going to be somebody doing better than you.
Making more money than you.
Having a bigger following than you.
Growing their business faster than you.

Their mere existence can cause you to feel like you are less than, not good enough, not smart enough, (or whatever other...

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The Other Side Oct 05, 2022

Guess what, if you ever want to be successful in life, you have to be willing to jump, leap and destroy.

You have to be willing to have people talk crap about you.

You have to be willing to have people send you nasty emails.

You have to be willing to say what needs to be said and get backlash for...

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Stop Overcomplicating your Business! Sep 16, 2022

It's so damn easy to start a business these days. You can literally build a business during nap time, your lunch break or even the carpool pick up line.

Shit, you don't even need your own product. You can sell somebody else's.

That's how easy it can be. Find a product you love, share it on social...

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You can follow rules and formulas and be massively successful! Aug 28, 2022

I've been a natural rule breaker since I was 15. Always pushing the boundaries of what I could get away with without landing myself in jail ‍

And when I first got into the entrepreneurial space, the messaging was mostly about following a certain path, certain steps, and certain formulas to get...

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How do you become an expert? Aug 18, 2022

I see far too many women sitting on the sidelines. Thinking if they watch enough trainings, buy enough courses, and follow enough seven-figure earners that somehow they'll figure it out, and THEN they'll take action.

But that's not how it works.

You don't learn to ride a bike by sitting on the curb...

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How to get to the top... Jun 07, 2022

Here's how you get to the top...

That's it.
Show up daily for your people. Simple.
Do it for THEM.

Sometimes we get so stuck in over-complicating things and trying to peep at what everyone else is doing, and we get lost in trying to do things a certain way or trying a million different...

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You are not your Circumstances Jun 03, 2020

On a negative thought binge?

I never win anything
Why is everyone else successful
I wish I could be like her
I always suck at this stuff
When will I catch a lucky break
I don't have enough time
I am stuck in my situation
I can't control what happens to me
I can't afford it

Whoa there sister.


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