Deadline Funnel Alternative Oct 23, 2023

Deadline Funnel Alternative

If you are looking for a:

-Low-Cost Evergreen Countdown Timer
-Deadline Funnel Alternative
-Thrive Ultimatum Alternative

You’re in the right place!

I feel like I have struck gold with this amazing evergreen timer Deadline Funnel alternative and I want to...

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I'm so fucking bored with vanilla marketing. Jan 04, 2023

I'm so fucking bored with vanilla marketing.

Why are you putting neutrality on a pedestal, as if it's moral higher ground. Cause it's not.

What would the world be like if we all were vanilla? Nice. Sweet. Plain. Everyone knows what to expect from vanilla.

We also need rocky road, pistachio,...

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Do you use these in your marketing? Dec 13, 2022



Catch people's eye with the negative

Do you use negatives in your marketing? Fear is a much stronger emotion than happiness. People will avoid fear faster than they will move to being happy. So if you want to add some power to your headlines, taglines, subtitles (and...

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You can follow rules and formulas and be massively successful! Aug 28, 2022

I've been a natural rule breaker since I was 15. Always pushing the boundaries of what I could get away with without landing myself in jail ‍

And when I first got into the entrepreneurial space, the messaging was mostly about following a certain path, certain steps, and certain formulas to get...

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How to get to the top... Jun 07, 2022

Here's how you get to the top...

That's it.
Show up daily for your people. Simple.
Do it for THEM.

Sometimes we get so stuck in over-complicating things and trying to peep at what everyone else is doing, and we get lost in trying to do things a certain way or trying a million different...

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"Be a Lighthouse" (Um, no thanks.) May 29, 2020

"Be a lighthouse."

Basically using the lighthouse as a means of bringing people to you, or relief for a weary sailor.

People are using the term lighthouse to get people to come to them. That lighthouses are meant to safely guide sailors to shore.

Yeah, no.

Lighthouses are meant to repel sailors...

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I'm tired of the B.S. Apr 30, 2020

I'm getting tired of it.

I am becoming increasingly irritated/saddened by network marketing trainers that uses phrases like this:

--Do these three things and CRUSH your next rank!!!

--Here is how you can generate unlimited WHITE-HOT leads for your business!!!

--I want to teach you the same SECRET...

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Let's keep it real, Sharon. Jan 21, 2020

"I made 20K while taking a shit!"

"I made $5,000 while walking my dog!"

"I made ten grand while I sipped champagne in a pool at the Ritz Carlton!"

Stop it, "Business Coach Sharon." 

Listen, you can totally be a magnet  for money and manifest all kinds of cool shit... But be...

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