Do you use these in your marketing? Dec 13, 2022



Catch people's eye with the negative

Do you use negatives in your marketing? Fear is a much stronger emotion than happiness. People will avoid fear faster than they will move to being happy. So if you want to add some power to your headlines, taglines, subtitles (and...

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How to do the entrepreneur work Oct 11, 2022

Our brain runs on auto-pilot 75% of the time (or more.)

And entrepreneur auto-pilot consists of: getting stuck in the scroll hole, telling yourself negative stories, looking at other people and wondering why you're not further ahead, imposter syndrome, feeling like a fraud and more. (I'm sure you...

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How to get to the top... Jun 07, 2022

Here's how you get to the top...

That's it.
Show up daily for your people. Simple.
Do it for THEM.

Sometimes we get so stuck in over-complicating things and trying to peep at what everyone else is doing, and we get lost in trying to do things a certain way or trying a million different...

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How to pick a business that will be in ALIGNMENT with your undefined centers Apr 05, 2022

Undefined Head
Everything that everyone does around you, you will feel inspired to do yourself, even if it's not meant for you. Use your strategy and authority to help you filter out the noise.

Undefined Ajna
Choosing a business that requires you to have an open perspective instead of a...

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Vacation Tips by the Centers! 🏖 Mar 30, 2022

Okay this is more for fun, because honestly any vacay is awesome but planning a holiday with activities according to your Human Design might help you enjoy that vacation just a little bit more!

Undefined Head Centers
Museums and tours of local historical places will inspire you!

Defined Ajna

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Manifestor's 'rest' phase Mar 28, 2022

A manifestor cycles between initiating and resting.

The initiating takes up a lot of energy, and it can't last forever… So, after an urge to create comes an urge to rest.

But resting in the case of the Manifestor doesn't mean sleeping in bed all day.

It means resting or taking a break from...

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When to push your own boundaries... Jan 19, 2022

Generators: Sometimes you have to finish a project that you committed to even if you are getting annoyed by it.


Manifesting Generators: Sometimes you might have to temporarily set a few things aside, and focus on one thing to get it done.


Projectors: You may have to give uninvited...

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Supporting Manifestor Children Jan 04, 2022

Manifestors are on this planet to initiate, create new things, and do things their own way. And their aura is built to move anything that stands in their way of doing so. In fact, if they feel like they are being told what to do or that someone is trying to control them, they can become quite...

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Supporting Reflector Children Dec 28, 2021

Reflectors have an open blueprint that pick up on everybody else's energy around them.

This can be extremely overwhelming for a child as they may not understand how to discern their own feelings from those around them.

So when they pick up on somebody else's thoughts or feelings, those thoughts and...

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Supporting Generator & Manifesting Generator Children Dec 27, 2021

Children Generators (and manifesting generators) are full of energy and need to wear themselves out each day. (The little ones still need naps though! ) Give them lots of physical activity to help them use up their internal batteries. They need a quick and snappy bedtime routine and as long as...

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Supporting Projector Children Dec 22, 2021

Children projectors need lots of rest. And not necessarily multiple naps, but just 'down time' zoning out and laying around. Some people might see this as being lazy, but it is necessary for the projector.

Projector children will be more likely to need a lengthier bedtime routine to help them...

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Mugs. And Finding your Perfect Buyers. Jun 12, 2020

Yeah, I have an obsession with mugs. Feel me, or nah?

I am so particular with how I like them to be. They handle has to be just right. They can't be too heavy and they can't have any sort of weird "lip" around the top... (see what I mean, I'm crazy.)

Everywhere I go, whether that's on vacay...

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