When to push your own boundaries...

generator human design mani-gen manifestor projector reflector tips Jan 19, 2022
Human Design

Generators: Sometimes you have to finish a project that you committed to even if you are getting annoyed by it.


Manifesting Generators: Sometimes you might have to temporarily set a few things aside, and focus on one thing to get it done.


Projectors: You may have to give uninvited guidance if there is a life or death situation that requires quick action.


Manifestors: You may have to buckle down and finish mundane tasks and finish your own projects, if you can't get help. 


Reflectors: Sometimes you might have to remove yourself from a situation if your reflective nature is going to cause more harm than good.

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In a perfect world we would have been making the best decisions for ourselves from day one, and been fully supported with our unique blueprint by our family peers. 


In a perfect world we would be in full alignment all the time, and expect nothing less.


But most of us stumbled on human design later in life and we are still working through the results of past choices, while learning about our own unique blueprint and how to best use it.


This process takes at least 7 years, and requires awareness and patience. It will be imperfect. And you will take some hits.


There are certain instances where we may have to push ourselves out of alignment momentarily, and that's okay. We got to do what we got to do.


Don't beat yourself up if that happens. Alignment is the ultimate goal, not something that we need to punish ourselves for not achieving.


The key is to recognize what is happening, and build awareness around it so that next time you take a different path that keeps you more in alignment.


Using 'being out of alignment' as an excuse to not do something that would actually be best for everyone, including yourself, is out of alignment in itself.


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