You are not your Circumstances

business mindset motivation truth Jun 03, 2020

On a negative thought binge?šŸ¤”

I never win anything
Why is everyone else successful
I wish I could be like her
I always suck at this stuff
When will I catch a lucky break
I don't have enough time
I am stuck in my situation
I can't control what happens to me
I can't afford it

Whoa there sister.

-Your circumstances DO NOT DEFINE you.
-Your circumstances are simply shit that is going on around you.
-Your circumstances are not YOU.
-Your circumstances are a situation, not a jail sentence.

Please remember:
Your LANGUAGE becomes your THOUGHTS.
Your THOUGHTS become your BELIEFS
Your BELIEFS become your REALITY.

So PLEASE stop talking shit to yourself.

Clean up your language and get to work.
No one can re-write your story... only you can.

And that means you put the work in.
Your change your language.
You tell a different story!

You are a WINNER.
You do not give up!
You are not a victim!
You can rise from the ashes!
You can make time!
You can expect opportunity!
You can learn new things!
You can make yourself a priority!

You can do whatever you say you want to do, I believe it 100%

Now get on it!

xoxo Chelsie

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