Ten years seems like a lifetime ago!

life Jan 21, 2020

10 Personal Lessons of the DECADE!

10 years ago I was nearing the end of a painful 4-year custody battle, remarried and had purchased our first home. Little did I know, just as I thought things were beginning to settle into this perfectly average American life, (all we were missing was the picket fence) things were actually beginning to unravel.

I learned so much over the last 10 years it really could be a novel. 📖

1) I learned how to skillfully play the hand that I was dealt , and get comfortable knowing that my game will only get stronger... 💪

2) I learned that the names of people on your birth certificate are just words on a paper, and that you can grieve over the loss of someone even when they are still alive. 😣

3 ) I woke up to how skillful narcissists can be. How they literally accuse you of the very things that they are doing. And make you feel like the crazy one. (At one point I tried to get on medication because I was convinced that I was going insane.) So thankful for this because now I can spot it from a mile away and get away before they can sink their claws in. 😈

4) I bet on myself and walked away from a company and paycheck that was no longer serving me. I was scared (actually terrified) and did it anyways! 🏆

5) I learned to trust myself again. (Still a process!)

6) I figured out how to exercise extreme patience in letting other people figure things out for themselves instead of trying to swoop in and protect them. I also realized it's not my job to fix everyone.

7) I learned that what other people do is a reflection of them, not me. And my reactions are a reflection of me too.

8) After willingly trying to become someone or something else in order to be loved, (pretty much my entire life) I am learning more and more about who I am, and that it's okay to be me, flaws and all. I don't have to be perfect in order to be loved. 🥰

9) I learned that when you are going through a painful time and are struggling, OTHER people's true colors show... some show up in judgment or choose distance, and others show up in empathy and hold space for you. And you get the privilege of finding this out. 👏

10) I worked incredibly hard to surround myself with people who were light years beyond me in business and life skills. And it paid off.💯

I did so much personal development that every 6 months I was a whole new level of me. I can hardly recognize myself from the beginning of the decade. It's mind-blowing, really.🤯

My 32-year old self feels like it could have been 50 years ago.

And - I love you and all of your imperfections 😘

Sending you so much love for the next decade and what it holds for all of us 🎁

xoxo Chelsie Kenyon

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