Have you begun deconditioning?

human design life Feb 18, 2022
Human Design Deconditioning

I have been in my human design experiment and deconditioning process for nearly 4 years now. And I can definitely see why the whole process takes a minimum of 7 years. Honestly, I think you could spend your entire lifetime deconditioning 😂


So what exactly is deconditioning? It's the process of using your energetic blueprint (your human design chart) to 'detox' all the parts of you, that you think are parts of you, but they are actually not. 


All the things that people have told you that you need to do to live a good life, are likely not true for you.


👉 Not everyone is here to set goals and reach them.


👉 Not everyone is here to feel other people's emotions, and hold space for them.


👉 Not everyone is here to prove something.


👉 Not everyone is supposed to be logical and certain.


Deconditioning helps you detox these 'shoulds' out of your life and get into alignment with your true nature so you can live with more flow and ease, and do what you were put on this planet to do. 


Conditioning is also a huge reason why some people feel like their human design type doesn't resonate with them. They are so deeply conditioned into society and how they were brought up, that they are completely removed and disassociated from their natural energy. 


So how do you decondition? The easiest way to start is by understanding the not-self themes of your centers, and then shifting your actions to be an alignment with the energy of your centers. I'm looking for places where you have been out of alignment with your centers and really asking yourself where that came from.



If you need help with this process I have an amazing mini-course & workbook for just $27 called "Centers Exposed" that will lay this out clearly and easily so you can pump the gas on your deconditioning journey. It comes with a printable workbook that you fill out during the class with your specific themes, So that at the end of the workbook you have a clear formula on what is an alignment with you. Tap THIS to grab it.


New to Human Design? Click here for a Quick Guide to Human Design for Beginners

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