Feel all the things!

deconditioning defined human design life personality solar plexus undefined Sep 28, 2022
Chelsie Kenyon Mindset Human Design Emotions

We need to feel the array of emotions. AND… we don’t need to be controlled by them.

We are not meant to be ran by our emotions.

We are not meant to be ran by our appetite.

We are not meant to be ran by our sex drive.

We are meant to live in harmony WITH them.

Instead of ignoring, stuffing down or shaming ourselves for getting mad, feeling frustrated, or feeling fear... and turning to blaming and complaining and becoming a victim.... we can learn to ride WITH them, listen to what they are telling us.... and then eventually master them.

Our Solar Plexus is literally built to pump out emotions. Depending on your unique "wiring" will depend on how you experience these emotions pumping out of you.

If you have a defined Solar Plexus, it is pumping out emotional highs and lows constantly, and you have to learn to ride the waves.

If you have an undefined Solar Plexus, you are going to be feeling your own emotional waves as well as feeling and amplifying the emotions of those around you.

Either way - you can't escape them.🚫

So these outdated happy-washing tactics are complete bullshit. 👊

Some people feel more deeply than others.
Some people feel more anger.
Some people feel more fear.
Some people feel more sadness.

It all depends on how you are "wired" but we are still meant to feel ALL THE THINGS.😱😝🤯😩😡☺️😭🤣

And it's ALL OKAY. 🙌

So please... go feel all the things (and then listen to what message your emotions are bringing to you.)

Human Design shows us the roadmap for all for this. How we are all wired differently (it's the science of differentiation) and how we can listen to our emotions to guide us, and live in more peace, success, satisfaction and delight.

Live your life fully, in the mess of it all and embrace all that comes with it.💞

Remember - feel all the things! It's your birthright!


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