Self-Confidence by Design

human design Apr 05, 2023
Chelsie Kenyon a human design coach

Lacking self-confidence is simply experiencing a fear of the unknown. 

Will they like me?

What if I fail.

What if I look stupid.

These fears lead to other fears like…

What if they don't like me, and then I will feel completely embarrassed and shunned from the group, and I won't be able to get my needs met. 


So the logical brain invites you to avoid anything that might result in you not being liked. 

When you have true confidence, the fears come up, but instead of allowing them to hold you back, you do the thing anyway.

Will everyone like you? Nope. 

Might you fail? Yep!

Might you look stupid? Yep!


The confident person moves anyway because they know that the reward is far greater than the potential consequences. 

Basically, what you're going to get from doing the thing is worth a few people not liking you.


So how does Human Design help with this?

As you begin to understand your chart and how your energy flows, you begin to accept yourself on a deeper level and he will even fill the urge to step even further into your true self. And it's that self-acceptance That helps you overcome the fear and accept yourself through the process even if others don't. 

At the end of the day, you can't control others you can only control yourself.

So if you have ever let fear stop you, I encourage you to dive deeper into your chart and truly start living out your design.


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