How do you become an expert?

business life motivation Aug 18, 2022
Chelsie Kenyon Mindset

I see far too many women sitting on the sidelines. Thinking if they watch enough trainings, buy enough courses, and follow enough seven-figure earners that somehow they'll figure it out, and THEN they'll take action.

But that's not how it works.

You don't learn to ride a bike by sitting on the curb and watching someone else ride a bike.

You don't learn to ride a bike by reading a book about how to ride a bike.

You don't learn to ride a bike by watching YouTube videos about how to ride a bike.

You learn how to ride a bike by getting on one, feeling how balance feels in your body, practicing, falling over, getting back on, working new muscles, and continuing to try. Then, you get better, your muscles adjust, and you begin to get your balance quicker.

But you'll never get to any of that if you don't get on the damn bike.

Get on the bike scared. Get on the bike even if you feel like you have no clue how to ride it. You can't ever learn how to ride the bike if you don't ever get on it.

You can only get better at something by actually DOING IT. Watching from the sidelines won't make you an expert.

Now think about what areas in your life you need to apply this to. Then take massive imperfect action 🙌


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