How to pick a business that will be in ALIGNMENT with your undefined centers

business centers human design open tips undefined Apr 05, 2022
Human Design for Business ( Undefined/Open Centers )

Undefined Head ā–³
Everything that everyone does around you, you will feel inspired to do yourself, even if it's not meant for you. Use your strategy and authority to help you filter out the noise.

Undefined Ajna ā–½
Choosing a business that requires you to have an open perspective instead of a one-size-fits-all structure would be great for you.

Undefined Throat ā–¢
You can read a room by sensing what other people are feeling the urge to say. Getting into a business where you speak to people might be a good fit for you.

Undefined G-Center/Identity ā—‡
Surroundings are everything to you so make sure that your business can be conducted in a place that makes you feel like a million bucks.

Undefined Heart Center (aka Ego or Will center) ā–³
Find a business with a super flexible schedule that you don't have to commit to long hours for.

Undefined Solar Plexus ā—
You take on the emotions of those around you, so make sure your business gives you lots of time away from people, or find a business that you can work from home.

Undefined Sacral ā–¢
Since you don't have a source of consistently strong energy, finding or creating a business that gives you lots of downtime, and a flexible schedule is key.

Undefined Spleen ā–·
You can likely sense when there's something wrong physically with someone else. So having a business where you help people with their health might work for you.

Undefined Root Center ā–¢
Having a business where you have specific tasks to get done each day will be helpful to help you have that 'done' feeling. Avoid a business that tacks on overtime or extra work. (Tip: For entrepreneurs you can create this for yourself.)


Go through this list and make a list of all the qualities that match up with your undefined centers and this will give you a great starting point on what kind of business will work well for you.

šŸ’” What was your biggest aha moment here? Are you recognizing any place where you need to shift things?



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