All About Human Design Gate 32 - The Gate of Continuity

gate 32 gene keys human design Jul 18, 2023
Human Design Gate 32 - The Gate of Continuity

Human Design Gate 32

Gate 32 - The Gate of Continuity

Sometimes known as the Gate of Duration

Welcome! I’m glad you’re here, and excited to learn more about Human Design Gate 32 energy. Human Design completely changed my life and business, and as an entrepreneur, a parent and partner, learning about my Human Design was a game-changer, it helped me transform from stuck and burnt-out to excited and thriving. I can’t wait to see what learning more about Gate 32 in Human Design opens up for you! Let’s dive in!

Human Design Gate 32 - In a Nutshell

The energy of Human Design Gate 32, the “Gate of Continuity” is about seeing what needs to change, and taking the carefully thought-out steps to create the change, rather than jumping in taking risks. The motto for this gate could be “slow and steady wins the race!”

Do you have Human Design Gate 32 active in your chart?

If you have Gate 32 active in your chart you have a knack for adapting to whatever is going on around you. And you know when something isn’t going to work so you avoid it. You are cautious and conservative in your actions. 

Potential Challenges with Human Design Gate 32

With Gate 32 you are quick to adapt to change, but that doesn’t mean others are, so allow everyone their own pace. You also have an aversion to risks, and if you are too fearful, you may inadvertently miss opportunities that would actually be great for you. 

Human Design Gate 32 for Entrepreneurs

Human Design Gate 32 is an amazing gate for entrepreneurs because you can adapt to changes in your industry as well as changes that need to be made in your marketing to keep up with the trends.  And you can see what needs to be changed in your own business, so it's great energy for entrepreneurs to have. You know what is worth your time and what needs to be skipped. Ra actually called this gate the “Personnel Manager” because this is also the energy for keeping people and businesses moving along continuously. Are you an entrepreneur? Do you have gate 32?

Keywords for Human Design Gate 32

Duration, Adaptation, Conservation

Want a custom report on ALL of your Human Design gates, plus an in-depth breakdown of your chart, including your variables, primary health system and Rave psychology? You will want a custom copy of the “Book of You” which walks you through your Human Design in a way that is easy to follow, yet detailed and leaving no stone unturned.


Human Design Gate 32 Excerpt from the Rave I’ching

“The awareness potential is the instinct to adapt in the now without losing continuity. This is the gate of Duration, where all of our instinctive imprinting is rooted. By its nature, it is extremely conservative.”

Human Design Gate 32 Point of Interest

Human Design Gate 32 carries capitalist energy that has potential to transform the economy. It’s concerned with the material plane and is here to see where or how ambition can be fulfilled or not. 

Where is Human Design Gate 32 in the Chart? 


Human Design Gate 32 is located in the Spleen Center. 

The Spleen Center is our oldest awareness center, in fact, it’s ancient. The thing to understand about the Spleen is that it’s the body’s basic survival mechanism and it’s the home of fear - lots of it. It’s also the home to instincts and intuition, so all of the gates in the Spleen center are very intuitive and instinctual, including Gate 32. 

Human Design Gate 32 is on the “Ego Circuit”

The Ego Circuit in Human Design is a sub-circuit of the Tribal Circuit which is concerned with community, obligation and support. The Ego Circuit is all about the material plane and understanding the value of things. It is governed by the Heart Center (Aka the “Ego Center”) and the energy in this sub-circuit is all about ambition, leadership and managing resources in a democratic way that works for everyone's highest good. The Ego Circuit is all about gathering resources needed for the community and having a way to share and distribute them and is also responsible for agreements made such as marriage, business contracts and laws created.

Celebrities and Famous People with Human Design Gate 32:


Potential Conundrums with Human Design Gate 32

Gate 32 is all about continuity and taking slow, steady action. This is in direct opposition to the risk-taking energy of Gate 28 so if you have both gates, you may feel pulled in two directions. Having a profile line 3 can also feel like opposing energy because line 3’s can also express risk-taking behavior and Gate 32 is all about mitigating risk, or outright avoiding it. There may be other factors in your chart that come into play as well.

Human Design Gate 32 for Generators (and Manifesting Generators)

As someone with a Generator aura (that includes Manifesting Generators too,) Gate 32 is a great addition to your natural continuous stream of energy. It will help you use that energy to create tangible things in the material plane.

Human Design Gate 32 for Projectors

If you have Gate 32 active and you are a Projector that’s great! This will help you create steady, continuous success over time. Even though later people might see you as an overnight success, you will know that it took time to build up to it.

Human Design Gate 32 for Manifestors

As a Manifestor you are here to follow your urge, birth new ideas into the world and create momentum. However, once the Manifestor urge wears off, sometimes you can lose steam and need to delegate. The energy behind Gate 32 can help you continue the work you started and be able to continue the things you start. 

Human Design Gate 32 for Reflectors

With all of those open centers, you may feel very sporadic, so having Gate 32 active in your chart helps you keep things moving ahead, even if things feel chaotic. You are already great at seeing things that are missing, and Gate 32 energy enhances that for you. And to top it off, Gate 32 is all about taking your time with things so it pairs well with your Lunar Authority.

Want a better Human Design Chart? Grab one here.
It has detailed information that you won’t find on other charts.


Human Design Gate 32 is part of the Channel of Transformation

When Human Design Gate 32 in the spleen center, and Human Design Gate 54 in the root center come together, they form the Channel of Transformation. This channel is all about the energy of ambition wanting to get ahead, but doing so in a way that makes sense in the long-run. If you have Gate 32 active by itself, without Gate 54, you might find that you are more driven by slow and steady growth in your own way, rather than doing what it takes to move up the social ladder or being driven by climbing the ranks.

Astrological Position of Human Design Gate 32
20° 45' 00" ‡- 26° 22' 30" ‡ 



A quick note about Gene Keys

Richard Rudd’s first love was Human Design. He studied directly with Ra Uru Hu and became fascinated by it. After a while he “channeled” his own spin on the Human Design system which he called Gene Keys. Basically each Human Design gate became a “Gene Key” with a shadow, a gift and a “siddhi.” The Gene Keys system takes some of the gates in your Human Design, and then creates sort of “stepping stones” for you to contemplate on. Gene Keys is only concerned with some of the Gates and which planet activates the gate. Click here to read more about Gene Keys. 

Gene Key 32:
Shadow - Failure
Gift - Preservation
Siddhi - Veneration

As you can see by those words, it echoes what Gate 32 tells us. There is the energy of perseverance (Continuity) and the potential for the fear of failure. 

Does Gate 32 feel incorrect for you? 

If you have this gate active in your chart, you could have conditioning around it that needs to be deconditioned.

So what exactly is deconditioning? It's the process of using your energetic blueprint (your Human Design chart) to 'detox' all the parts of you, that you think are parts of you, but they are actually not.

All the things that people have told you that you need to do to live a good life, are likely not true for you.

👉 Not everyone is here to set huge goals and reach them.
👉 Not everyone is here to feel other people's emotions and hold space for them.
👉 Not everyone is here to prove something.
👉 Not everyone is supposed to be logical and certain.

Deconditioning helps you detox these 'shoulds' out of your life and get into alignment with your true nature so you can live with more flow and ease and do what you were put on this planet to do.

Conditioning is also a huge reason why some people feel like their Human Design type doesn't resonate with them. They are so deeply conditioned into society and how they were brought up, that they are completely removed and disassociated from their natural energy.

So how do you decondition? The easiest way to start is by understanding the not-self themes of your centers, and then shifting your actions to be in alignment with the energy of your centers. I'm looking for places where you have been out of alignment with your centers and really asking yourself where that came from.

If you need help with this process, I have an amazing mini course & workbook for just $37 called "ALIGNED" that will lay this out clearly and easily so you can pump the gas on your deconditioning journey. It comes with a printable workbook that you fill out during the class with your specific themes, so that at the end of the workbook you have a clear formula on what is an alignment with you. 


A final note from Chelsie

I believe in keeping Human Design content as close to source as possible. My gate and channel interpretations are based on the original Human Design data through the Rave Iching, the International Human Design School and the Jovian Archive - which is Ra Uru Hu’s. I do not follow “POP” Human Design where people add their own twists to the original Human Design by Ra Uru Hu and call it “evolution.” No twists here. Just pure Human Design. 

-Chelsie Kenyon-



New to Human Design? Click here for a Quick Guide to Human Design for Beginners

You are here on this planet to experience living within the constraints of a 3-D body, existing in the material plane. Human Design gives us a roadmap to understanding how we experience this adventure through our Human Design energetic blueprint. By learning more about each active gate and channel in our Human Design chart, we can make our adventure here on earth a little smoother.

Make sure to grab your FREE Extended Human Design chart here.



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