Human Design is NOT...

human design Dec 15, 2021

I see many people using human design as an excuse.

"Well I take on other people's emotions so it's not my fault for acting that way."
"It's out of alignment for me to finish this commitment."

I also see it being used to tell people what they should and shouldn't do.

"As a manifestor you shouldn't do everything yourself you should have a team that completes everything for you."
"Since you're a projector, you shouldn't jump into a conversation and give guidance."

And I also see people trying to put themselves into a box.

"I shouldn't start this idea because I'm a generator."
"My design is that I can see multiple perspectives so I really can't ever be sure of anything."

Let me be clear with you - NO.
That's not how it works.

Human design is an experiment.

It's a probability, not a certainty.

You are likely to resonate with your design but sometimes it doesn't feel like a good fit, and that's okay too.

Sometimes we evolve and it begins to fit, and sometimes it fits at first and then it doesn't. And it's all okay.

I view it as a tool we can use, to gain more clarity and insight but at the end of the day, human design is a blueprint or a roadmap, not a box.


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