Hustle: Is it bad?

business human design life mindset Jul 03, 2022
Human Design Business Hustle Culture

Is hustling bad?

Yes? No? Maybeeee?

Well, here's the deal...

I see posts from big-name high-profile, influencer-type coaches that talk about how you should absolutely hustle, there's nothing wrong with it, that you need to put the time in... etc. And then I see posts from other big-name high-profile coaches that say hustle is completely unnecessary and you can make super big money while working taking baths, shits, and naps.

And here's the kicker. Both types of coaches can be, and are, wildly successful and make a shit ton of money. So who's right?

Well... both. But the truth is many coaches are preaching what works for them and do not realize that everyone is unique and each one has different levels of energy. 'Cause, there are people who have access to consistent energy and do well in hustling their butts off. And there are some who do best in working less, at a steady slower pace, with lots of breaks and rest.

So, if a coach thinks that hustling works for everyone, some of his/her people would have to work 10 times as hard to get the same results. If they are able to get it to work at all, they will burn out very quickly. And most likely they won't be able to get it to work, and they will feel frustrated and invisible.

What works for one does not work for all. So, how would you know what works best for you?

Your unique energy blueprint can help you figure this out. This energetic blueprint is called Human Design bodygraph and is unique to each individual.

Knowing and understanding your blueprint will help you avoid burning out and will guide you to only involve yourself with tasks, commitments, and projects aligned to your energy. Working with your energy, not against it, will lead you to success.


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