I'm only available for people who fan my flames of individualism.

life personality Feb 01, 2023
Chelsie Kenyon a business and marketing coach

I'm only available for people who fan my flames of individualism. Don't force me to be someone I'm not.

Some of us are put on this planet to be fierce individuals. And some of us are here to bring people together and collaborate.

Individualists are here to help us remember to take care of ourselves, fill our own cups and not let people walk all over us. They are here to lead the example of what it looks like to not be a people-pleaser and have strong boundaries.

And then there are those that are here to love everyone, and want to bring everyone together. They are here to remind us that things can get done faster if we work together. They are here to show us what unity and meaningful connections look like, When we open up and allow ourselves to become part of something bigger.

And all of it is needed, and we need to stop trying to make people fit a mold that they were not meant for.

Stop trying to force individualists to collaborate. Respect their boundaries and let them contribute when they want.

Stop trying to force collaborationists to pick up a torch and run off into the distance following their mission - and leaving everyone behind.

March to the beat of your own drum and don't let anyone try to convince you that you should be doing something else.

𝒙𝒐 𝑪𝒉𝒆𝒍𝒔𝒊𝒆

P.S. Do you consider yourself more of an individualist or more of a collaborationist? I mean obviously most people have some of each (except extremists like me 😂) but which one do you identify with more?

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