Imposter Syndrome through the Undefined Centers

business centers human design open undefined Jul 19, 2022
Human Design Energy Centers

Which of these centers do you have undefined? Have you ever felt like this?

Undefined Head △: I don't know enough.

Undefined Ajna ▽: People are going to find out that I'm actually not all that smart.

Undefined Throat ▢: I don't know what to say.

Undefined Identity (G) ◇: Who am I to teach this.

Undefined Heart (Will) △: I should offer discounts or people won't people buy my stuff.

Undefined Solar Plexus ◁: I don't know how I feel about it, so no one will buy from me.

Undefined Sacral ▢: I don't feel like showing up every day so I should just give up.

Undefined Spleen ▷: I can't trust my intuition in business, people are going to think I have no idea what I'm doing.

Undefined Root ▢: I will never be able to get this all done. I feel like a fraud.

Imposter syndrome is a very real thing and most entrepreneurs have experienced it at one time or another or perhaps every day.

The key is to just see it as a passing thought, giggle at its audacity, and then get back to work.

Nothing beats imposter syndrome and fear like ACTION.


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