Let's keep it real, Sharon.

business marketing tips truth Jan 21, 2020

"I made 20K while taking a shit!"

"I made $5,000 while walking my dog!"

"I made ten grand while I sipped champagne in a pool at the Ritz Carlton!"


Stop it, "Business Coach Sharon." βœ‹

Listen, you can totally be a magnet πŸ§² for money and manifest all kinds of cool shit... But be honest... that 20K you made from selling your coaching or course required...

W O R K. πŸ’ͺ

And that work was *not* done while you were taking a crap, walking your dog or pumping your gas. Or if you pre sell, then it will be done later... but it certainly was not done while you were taking a "goddess bath." πŸ›€

That 20K πŸ’΅ looks more like:

--The five years you have spent building up relationships. πŸ‘­πŸ‘¬πŸ‘«

--The 500 kajillion self-help books you have read and studied. πŸ“šπŸ“–πŸ“˜

--The multiple coaches and personal development programs you have invested thousands in. πŸ‘©‍🏫

--The many years it took for you to be able to show up in the way you show up today. πŸ—“️

--The investment in haircuts/color and the makeup that you put on repeatedly to film your course or go live for your audience. πŸ’ƒ

--The pain and sacrifice of personal challenges you have faced and overcome over the last few decades. πŸ˜£

--The network you have built over the last 10 years.πŸ‘©‍πŸ”¬πŸ‘©‍βœˆοΈπŸ‘©‍πŸ­πŸ‘©‍πŸŒΎπŸ‘©‍πŸ³πŸ‘©‍βš–οΈπŸ‘©‍πŸŽ€πŸ‘©‍🎨

The list goes on....

Bottom line... you have invested in yourself. You have gone through things. Put in the work. And will continue to put in the work. So even if the money happened to roll in while you were squatting on the potty, πŸš½πŸ§» that doesn't mean that 20K just showered down upon you from the nethers just because you "called it in."

And even if you currently work 20 hours a week on your million dollar business, you still did many things and overcame many challenges to get you where you are at that point. πŸ’―πŸ‘

I really hope that coaches can get a little bit more real in their marketing. (Super glad that $25K came in while you were in the hottub Sharon. But please acknowledge the shitshow you went through to get to that point.)

Here's what I really want to tell you about building a business:

▢️You have to do hard things. You have to push yourself. You have to dry your own tears and pick yourself up. You have to invest money before you are ready. You have to be mentally prepared for the haters and naysayers. You have to push past the feelings of wanting to quit and run away. You have to take risks. You have to believe in yourself before anyone else does. You have to dig deeper then you thought possible. You have to be brave. You have to speak your truth. You have to level up, two or three times as fast as everyone else around you. You have to talk to people. Lot's of people! You have to be the salesman, customer service, service provider, accountant and boss, until you make a profit and can start hiring people.

And through all of that digging through the dirt, you will find your GOLD. You will get to have the feeling of accomplishment and excitement when the cash starts flowing in cause it's finally working! You get the privilege of learning lessons that many people will not. You get to feel your heart overflow with happiness when people begin to tell you how much you have impacted their lives. you get to reflect back on the years and see how quickly you have grown!

And literally none of this happens because you were taking a shit or walking your dog πŸ€£

And Sharon my love... If you say "it gets to be easy" one more time I'm going to bop you on the head.

xoxo Chelsie

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