Leadership in Business

business mindset Jul 14, 2022
Chelsie Kenyon Mindset Business Strategies

Do you have an online business?

🔹 You have to understand how to be a great leader (not a perfect leader because those don't exist, but you should aim to be a great one.)

🔹 You have to learn how to deal with many different types of personalities.

🔹 You have to know how to love people, yet stand your ground.

🔹 You have to know how to get people to take action and you have to know how to build systems and strategies, or lead other people to build systems and strategies.

🔹 You have to be able to motivate people and keep them on the right track even if things are falling apart.

🔹 You have to learn to never take anything personally because it was never about you... the very people that you are trying to help, will sometimes be the ones that ghost you, walk away and leave you hanging.

Leadership is focusing on the people who do show up, not the ones who walk away. Leadership is taking a stand for those who aren't ready to take a stand for themselves yet. Leadership is saying the things that need to be said, with love. Leadership is knowing when to kick some butt and and when to sit down and listen.

And last, but not least, you can never let them see you panic. 😉

Practice leadership daily.


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