Living in Alignment with Human Design

human design Apr 18, 2023
Chelsie Kenyon a human design coach

So here's the thing with Human Design. It's not enough to just look at your chart and 'read about yourself.' It doesn't work that way. It's not a personality test that tells you what you're like.

Instead, it's a map to who you truly are. 

Personality tests might give you a snapshot of who you are 'being' with alllll those layers of conditioning, but it's probably only partially correct.

But Human Design gives you your actual energetic blueprint, and it's your job to learn how your energy flows so that you can use that information to stop living through your 'not-self' and start embodying the information and living as your true self.

When you begin to embody the information and live as your true self, that's when you are in alignment.

For instance, if you have an emotional authority and you are meant to take your time with big decisions, but you decide to take a risk and make a spur-of-the-moment decision, that is out of alignment and will very likely cause massive regret later. Or it may take years or decades to look back on that decision and realize that it actually was not in your best interest though it may have seemed like it was. 

Alignment and embodiment are not something that will happen overnight. It takes awareness and practice and commitment to keep trying even when you don't get it right. (And if you have an open heart center that commitment piece is going to be a challenge.)

But just like everything else, if you don't get it right, simply try again. Keep going and keep practicing and eventually, things will fall into place, and living in your true self will be natural instead of something you have to try to do. 


New to Human Design? Click here for a Quick Guide to Human Design for Beginners

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