Don't make decisions with your brain

authority human design Jun 16, 2023
Chelsie Kenyon a human design coach

When I first started learning about Human Design. The biggest obstacle I had to overcome was getting over the fact that I needed to start using my body to make decisions instead of my brain and logic. Phew! That was a tough one!

I mean think about it, when we are kids we are immediately programmed to think things out, make lists of pros and cons, and use logic to come to a conclusion. And that actually goes completely against how we are built to make decisions. A decision is best when we can remove the mind. We have to bypass the thinking part of our brain. Depending on your authority, this might mean checking in with your sacral, it might mean talking with a friend and seeing what comes out of your mouth, Or it might mean riding the waves of your emotions and feeling out the decision from a neutral place. 

But in any case, the key is to bypass the overthinking, logical mind, and let your body do the decision-making.

And let me tell you, it takes a lot of practice! It's so easy to default to the mind to make decisions because that's what we've done our whole life. But when you come to a decision-making process if you simply turn on the awareness, and shift out of your mind and into your authority, it will become easier over time. When you make decisions according to your authority, it will pull you and guide you in the direction that you are meant to go. (Not saying that every decision is going to go perfectly and smoothly, but it will take you in the right direction.)

You can start practicing right now. Think about a decision that you need to make, or perhaps wait for an opportunity to make a decision, and then practice using your authority to come to a conclusion and try to keep your mind out of it.

I don't worry if you struggle with this at first, it's perfectly normal. It takes practice.

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