Manifesting Generators are NOT a hybrid of a Manifestor and a Generator

generator human design mani-gen manifestor Feb 25, 2022
Manifesting Generators vs Generators

So let's talk about Manifesting Generators vs. Generators.

And Manifesting Generators vs. Manifestors.

I see the statements below allllll the time. Especially on Instagram where Human Design misinformation (“Pop” Human Design) runs rampant.

"Manifesting Generators are half Manifestor and half Generator."


"Manifesting Generators are a hybrid of Manifestor and Generator."

And I can totally see where somebody might draw this conclusion… 

And I totally get that Manifesting Generators want to be their own type.

But saying that Manifesting Generators are a hybrid of a Manifestor plus a Generator is not true.

In fact, it is flat-out incorrect.

Manifesting Generators are actually a SUB-TYPE of Generators. Why?

It all comes down to AURA. 


Human Design Auras

Generators and Manifesting Generators both have the same aura.

And since they have the same aura, Manifesting Generators are still a Generator and still have the same strategy as a Generator, to RESPOND.

4 Aura Types in Human Design

Also, Ra taught us that there are 4 types in Human Design. Not 5. There is no “hybrid” 5th type. 

There are 4 different auras.

There are 4 different strategies.

Not 5.

RULE: If there is a defined sacral that person is a Generator.


The Motorized Throat

What makes a Generator a 'Manifesting' Generator is that they have a motorized throat center. Meaning that the throat center is connected to a motor center. This gives what they say more power, but does not change their type.

Projectors can also have a motorized throat, and that does not make them a Manifestor hybrid either.

With a motorized throat comes the intense pressure to speak. Through this powerful motorized energy, there comes manifestation. Manifesting thoughts into things. Bringing things out of the mind so they can be made into tangible form.

While a Manifestor does have a powerful way of speaking and manifesting because of the motorized throat, that is not what makes them a Manifestor. It’s the dense aura that sets them apart. The dense aura that allows them to get people and things out of their way so they can do what they need to do.

Again, it all comes down to AURA type.


Generator Aura vs Manifestor Aura

A Generator aura is open, enveloping, is typically very welcoming and it pulls people in. This goes for Manifesting Generators as well. Just because the throat is motorized, it doesn’t change the auric type.

A Manifestor aura is dense, and built to move people out of the way so they can get things done. Manifesting Generators do not have this quality. 

Manifesting Generator and Manifestor aura types are completely opposite. And a Manifesting Generator cannot have both types of auras.

So please understand that a "Manifesting Generator" is not half and half, nor a hybrid. They are a type of Generator, with a motorized throat.


In Conclusion

People have big emotions around Manifesting Generators being a sub-type of Generator and not a Manifestor hybrid. 

This is partly due to the fact that there are two camps in the Human Design world. One that follows the facts and date from source - and one that thinks that Human Design needs to be upgraded and evolved to make everyone more comfortable. So if you fall into the latter, then you are going to be quite irritated at this information and defend the concept of a “hybrid.” I’m not here to change your mind, but I will present the true facts and data as I have learned it through source. 



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