Before I was a Manifestor, I was a Projector. How so?

human design manifestor projector Jun 03, 2022
Human Design Neutrinos

Before you are born, approximately 3 months beforehand, when your consciousness comes into being, you are imprinted with energetic information through #neutrinos. That original imprinting is the first half of your design. Then you get a second imprinting when you're born and it is added on top of the first imprinting.

So basically you're imprinted once when you come into consciousness, and again when you are born, and those are added together to get your current type.

So before I received the extra imprinting that transformed me into a Manifestor. I was a Projector.

I also have quite a few projected channels.

So even though I am a Manifestor, I do have some Projector flavor šŸ˜‰ basically I'm built to get things started, but there are still a few aspects of my design that do better when I wait for the invitation.

So what is your current type, and what were you before you were that?


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