No money, honey?

business life mindset truth May 09, 2020

6 years ago I wish somebody had shaken me.

I was a hustler, I took constant action, but my mindset was an absolute mess.

I HOPED for things to change but I was not taking *inspired* action. I was hammering away at the same shit, expecting different results.

I was waiting for the universe (source/God) to come save me from the pitiful hell hole I was in.

I hustled my ass off. I worked from morning till bedtime. I slaved away.... and I was a prisoner of my own thoughts.

I had no clue how to understand the concept of TRUE opportunity and how I could take advantage of it.

I was terrified to spend money. It seemed logical at the time. Most of the time the cupboards were bare, and I was juggling bills just to keep the lights on.

I wish somebody would have shaken me I told me to wake the fuck UP. 👏

I wish somebody would have said:

"No one is coming to save you.

No one is going to change your thoughts for you.

No one is going to change what you believe.

And you are NOT going to manifest the money you want, when you already believe there is NOT enough.

You can tell yourself all the positive affirmations in the world but they will fall on deaf ears because you don't really believe it.

What you need to understand is that the universe will give back to you what YOU put in FIRST.

You have to make the first move and allow the universe to respond back.

And Chelsie, money is abundant. It's simply an exchange. It's just like air, or water or nature itself. There is plenty to go around.

Your cupboards are bare because you are afraid. You are contracting your energy. You are not open to receive.

You need to start exercising that belief muscle.

It won't be easy at first, that's why you have to do a little bit every day.

Test the water. Throw $5, $20, or $50 into something and expect that it will come back. Watch for it, and when it does, know that it came back to you, plus more.

It's about time you thought more of yourself. You weren't put on this Earth to be average. You weren't put on this Earth to live in scarcity.

Chelsie. You can absolutely have it all. Even though it doesn't seem like it yet.

But you have to make the first move. You have to prove that you believe. You have to have faith!

So start small, but fucking START."


If only somebody would have stood up to me. Because I was so convinced otherwise. If only somebody would have told me exactly what I needed to hear instead of what I wanted to hear.

Sadly, nobody was there for me, I had to figure it all out on my own and it was a slow, painful process with extreme highs and lows.

But I am here for YOU.

If any of the following phrases have come out of your mouth or crossed your brain recently then you have some work to do.

--I can't afford it
--It's not in the cards for me right now
--I don't have the money for that
--If only I had the money for that
--Next time
--I just can't do it right now

☝️☝️☝️ These are evidence of your current beliefs about money

And if you don't change it, nobody else will either.

You have to admit the shit that you are trying is not working or you would have already been passed it by now.

So you can keep on throwing spaghetti against the wall... or you can learn from someone who has done it, and has taught others to do it.


I know many manifestation teachers that charge $397- $1997 for the SAME things I teach you in this course.


If you don't take a step for yourself, who will?

Xoxo Chelsie


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