Girl, Start Apologizing.

truth Oct 24, 2020

An open letter to Rachel Hollis.

As I read the posts flooding my Facebook newsfeed last night, I sighed, shook my head and felt every ounce of the shock, disgust and sadness of your ex-fans, as you sat on your throne and judged and labeled an entire group of women as "dumb." 

Yikes, sister. Not really your best moment.

But neither was you spending YEARS openly plagiarizing other people's words and ignoring it. 

And neither was you knowing your marriage was falling apart, and painting a totally different picture for your fans and followers, and giving them relationship advice under the guise that your own marriage was peachy keen.

From the moment your first book was released and women were going crazy over it,  my bullshit detector went off. And I always hold tight to the fact that people's true colors always show so I knew it would be a matter of time before other people saw it too. And sure enough it started happening... starting with  you completely ignoring people's requests for you to address your ongoing blatant plagiarism. 

But let me ask you this, Rachel. Did you think at all about the many Network Marketing Events that you have spoken at, overflowing with women hanging on your every word, before you wrote these these extraordinarily insulting words? 

"If you're not sure how to make extra income, there are so many ideas to help you but please remember this important pre-requisite. Figure out a way to make new income that doesn't cost you any money to start. For now I'm positive that someone is going to read this and be inspired to head on over to the internet and ask how she can make extra income and then four weeks later her starter kit has arrived for the new at-home business she paid $700 to join. Don't be dumb! Figure out a way to make money that doesn't require money."

I guess you didn't think it through, or you might have thought twice about mocking someone getting their "starter kit" and insinuating that the 4.6 million women network marketers across the world are DUMB. 

Women that make up 80% of a 36 BILLION dollar industry.

An industry that boasts some of the most innovative products that are backed by doctors, celebrities and experts. An industry that offers opportunities for women to change their lives and learn business skills and self development. An industry that has pulled people off of welfare and given them financial freedom. 

An industry that you accepted big money from, to speak on their stages.

Listen. You are allowed to have your feelings about MLM. And I'm not even saying you are wrong for voicing your thoughts. However your delivery was atrocious, rude and demeaning to the women who you are supposed to be uplifting, encouraging and empowering. 

This might be the final straw.

Rachel let me help you out here. There's a million ways you could have empowered women, given them ideas and motivated them to get out and make things happen! Such as this:

"If you're unsure on how to start making some extra income, there are a ton of ways! You could babysit, you could do a masterclass teaching people things you already know, or become a virtual assistant. You could also get into Direct Sales or become an Affiliate by finding a product or offer that you love, and selling it to your friends to earn commission on it.  And don't be afraid to invest a little up front if you need to. Simply make it your first goal to make that money back right away and it will help motivate you. Figure out a way to make money that works for you - don't worry about what other people think about it." ~Chelsie Kenyon

See, now that wasn't so hard, was it.

And if you truly think that women who join in Direct Sales are dumb and you want to stick to what you said, great, you should stand in your truth - but then you need to stop taking their money.

Here's the deal. We ALL make mistakes Rachel. No one is perfect. We all have flaws, we say the wrong things at the wrong time and sometimes make an ass out of ourselves. 

However, most of us recognize that we need to take responsibility and openly share about our mistake, make amends and figure out how we are not going to let it happen again. "Hey I'm sorry, I screwed that up." or "I didn't get that right, and I apologize."

And people would forgive you, cause that's what we do.

It's your ongoing lack of responsibility, and overwhelming hypocrisy that is going to cost your your audience.

Girl, start apologizing.


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Written by Chelsie Kenyon - Mindset & Marketing Mentor

Former Direct Sales Top Ranking Leader and Speaker

"After spending many years building my Direct Sales dream business, I resigned so I could focus on helping other women build their dream businesses. Join my free Facebook group or visit my website."


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