Personality Types Matter.

business personality truth May 25, 2020

I see online business owners sharing how they run a business without knowing their personality type... and insinuating that personality types are kinda pointless. (Even if they don't come out and say it... the insinuation is clear.)

They will say, “I never worried about personality types, and here I am making all this money.” Or they will say that "Knowing my personality type does not matter to the bottom line." and stuff like. 

The thing is it’s not about you. It’s not about your personality type. You’re not buying from you. You’re not doing business with you. What’s important is that you learn personality types so you can better serve your clients, so that you can understand what their needs are. What drives them, and how to speak to them. You can communicate with them a lot clearer and easier when you know what engages them and what motivates them, and what keeps them awake at night.

These are all things you cannot always get by asking. Many people answer questions in how they want to be perceived, not as they actually are. So you have to understand people's personalities in order to get under the surface and help them on a deeper level.

I don’t understand how anybody in business could slam trying to understand people better, or try to make the practice seem insignificant.

At the end of the day, understanding personality types is absolutely an solid business skill to have. If you are in business and you work with clients and your business is based on serving people then you have to understand personality types.

That would be like saying I’m going to be a salesperson, but I don’t need to understand how to block objections. I don’t need to understand the sales journey.

It’s very, egotistical, and unnecessary. Just because you don’t find joy or happiness in understanding different personality types does not mean that it’s not useful. It doesn’t mean that it’s not for somebody else and does not mean that it’s not a fantastic business skill to have. 

At the end of the day we need to be ourselves. We need to embrace who we are and live out loud. Let our personalities shine. We need to do that, but the is still a space for these personality modalities because it can make us that much more effective when we are talking to other people.  Because in business it’s a relationship between people. It’s not just YOU on stage. There’s a difference. 

If you’re on stage, people are there to see you. Then it’s just about you. But in a business relationship, there’s a back and forth. There’s an exchange of energy, so for me I think it’s important to have an understanding of various personality types so that you can get better at what it is you are trying to do. 

Using Human Design, if you tell your client, “Hey, I need you to go take an assessment.” Or even for the 16 personalities. That is just you helping yourself to get to know the client better. That would be no different than if you were to say, “Hey, fill out this form. Tell me how much your revenue is. Tell me are you using ads? Tell me about your business. How many people do you serve?” It is no different. You are learning about the person, and where they’re at so you can meet their needs.

Why would you not want to understand what makes them tick? Why would you not want to understand how they process information? Why would you not want to understand whether they are a thinker or a feeler? 

In fact, I’ve had many business conversations where I ask somebody how they feel about something and they are completely clueless, they don’t know how to respond. But when I frame the same exact question as to what they think about it, all of a sudden they’re an open book and they can’t stop talking about it. So if you want to be able to truly understand your clients, if you want to be better at what you’re doing, if you want to be able to help you clients get to that next level, then you have to realize it’s not about what personality type you are, but what personality they are. 

Personality types are a business skill. 

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