Secrets of the Ajna

ajna center defined human design open undefined Nov 04, 2022
Chelsie Kenyon Human Design Ajna Center

Ahhhh the joys of the Ajna center.

It can be the biggest source of anxiety out of all of the centers.

This is an awareness center, so it brings all kinds of mental drama to the table. When you start feeling like you can’t do it, make sure to recognize the shadow or block, and shift into alignment. 

Undefined Ajna Shadows:
I need to be certain in my skills
I have got to figure out how to get this done
I don’t want to seem wishy-washy
Aligned Undefined Ajna:
I trust that I know what to do
The right information will come when the time is right
I love that I can see so many perspectives!


Defined Ajna Blocks:
People just can’t see my point of view
I don’t believe I can do it
I need to figure it out first
Aligned Defined Ajna:
I love that I know exactly where I stand regardless of what other people think
I know I have what it takes to get this done
I will figure it out as I go

Want more?

Grab my masterclass “Aligned” and learn how to get into alignment through your type, strategy and centers.

Is your ajna defined (colored in) or undefined (no color)?


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