Stop Prepologizing!

truth Aug 11, 2022
Chelsie Kenyon Truth

Stop prepologizing before speaking your truth.

Usually, people prepologize jokingly for whatever they're going to say or do when they get drunk.

But I see far too many women prepologizing similarly before they share their opinion or thoughts.

You try to make your truth a little bit more palatable by shrinking yourself down before you share it.

When I see or hear you doing this online, I imagine you are looking down at the ground, trying to blend in with the background, afraid of the backlash of speaking your truth.

When you powerfully speak your truth, some people might react to that. And maybe that's what you've dealt with in the past. But you can't let somebody else's reaction to your truth stop you from sharing it.

Just fucking say what you need to say and let it be. No prepologizing.

Life is crazy, messy, and weird... and nothing is ever going to be perfect so just do your thing.

Grant yourself permission to take up alllll the space.

Own your voice. No one else can tell your truth like you can. And what a sad world this would be if you didn't share it.


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