Stop Overcomplicating your Business!

business life mindset motivation Sep 16, 2022
Chelsie Kenyon Mindset Business Self-Sabotage

It's so damn easy to start a business these days. You can literally build a business during nap time, your lunch break or even the carpool pick up line.

Shit, you don't even need your own product. You can sell somebody else's.

That's how easy it can be. Find a product you love, share it on social media, make sales and get paid commission.

But we sure do like to over complicate and overthink it don't we?

Am I good enough? What if people don't like what I'm selling? What if I mess this up? I will never be able to make enough to pay my bills. I feel invisible!

👉Self-sabotage is when you decide to do something and then go about the business of looking for evidence that it's not working. Then believing that to be the true story.

But that's not the true story at all. In fact, it's LIES.😱 LIES your brain tells you to keep you in that lovely comfort zone, where it doesn't have to use up any extra energy thinking, plotting or planning. Thinking new thoughts takes up a lot of brain energy, and your brain is an energy-conservation machine.

I said it before and I'll say it again... 📣
Your language becomes your thoughts, your thoughts become your beliefs and your beliefs become your reality. PERIOD.

✅You are beyond good enough!
✅There's a market out there for literally everything! (You've seen wish haven't you? 😳)
✅It's literally impossible to mess up.
✅You can make enough to pay whatever the hell you want to.
✅Stop acting like you're invisible. You're not. We all see you.

So whenever you are feeling out of sorts, go back to the basics ⬇️
Tell someone, or a group of people, about the product you love every single day.

That's literally it. That's how you can build a business online.

Does this speak to you? Are you caught in the trap of overthinking and self-sabotage? And do you commit to end the madness?

Let's commit to ending self-sabotage and overthinking 🥊

Because at the end of the day, your success is my success. I want you all WINNING 🙌

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