How to Support Each Human Design Types

generator human design mani-gen manifestor projector reflector Mar 08, 2023
human design chart and tips for each type

What is so wonderful about the Human Design system is it really highlights how much we truly need all the different types. No single type can do it alone. Not even a Manifestor or a Line 2 (which are the most comfortable being alone.)

You can support Reflectors by loving and accepting their ever-changing perspectives, and help them get away from an overwhelming situation with lots of emotions or lots of people if needed. Also appreciate and respect their need for lots of alone time, without pressuring them to go out and make things happen. 

You can support Manifestors by staying out of their way while they birth something new into the world. Then if you sense their energy is waning, offer to help, because they don't always have the energy to finish what they start. 

You can support Projectors by inviting them to share their advice and wisdom with you and allow them to guide you. Also introduce them to people and situations where guidance is needed (but also allow them to decide on their own if the situation is correct for them, without taking it personally if they decline.)

You can support Generators by giving them things to respond to (Manifestors starting a project or casting a vision, Projectors sharing wisdom and guidance when invited, and Reflectors reflecting.) And you can also support generators by being excited when they are excited. Sharing in their excitement for whatever they are passionate about is highly supportive. 

You can support Manifesting Generators by not trying to put them in a box or force them to focus on one thing at a time. Be excited with them for all the different things they are into at the moment.

And from a coaching perspective, you can support everyone on the planet by having zero expectations of them, and loving and appreciating each person for what they bring to the table, even when it doesn't look like what you thought it should look like.


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