Supporting Generator & Manifesting Generator Children

generator human design mani-gen tips Dec 27, 2021

Children Generators (and manifesting generators) are full of energy and need to wear themselves out each day. (The little ones still need naps though! šŸ¤£) Give them lots of physical activity to help them use up their internal batteries. They need a quick and snappy bedtime routine and as long as they have effectively used up all their physical energy, they should be able to crash out. If they have too much energy at bedtime, they will not want to go to sleep. So again, make sure that they have physically run out of steam before even attempting bedtime.

To help them make decisions, ask them yes or no questions. Teach them that if somebody does ask them an open-ended question, to request that the person reframe it into a yes or no question.

Generators do well with helping people finish their projects. They potentially make great helpers!

So ask your little generator to help wash the dishes, help cook dinner, and help with the yard work.


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