Supporting Reflector Children

human design reflector tips Dec 28, 2021

Reflectors have an open blueprint that pick up on everybody else's energy around them.

This can be extremely overwhelming for a child as they may not understand how to discern their own feelings from those around them.

So when they pick up on somebody else's thoughts or feelings, those thoughts and feelings are amplified within them and then they reflect it back out to those around them.

So if they are having a great day, but somebody around them gets sad, all of a sudden they will feel even more sad than the person who is sad.

This can be a little disconcerting to a child who has no reason to feel sad, yet all of a sudden feels deep sadness.

It's important to help them ask questions about their feelings to help determine whether the feeling is actually theirs. So if they feel sad, ask them if they have anything to actually feel sad about. If they do not, then the sad feeling might not actually be theirs and you can let them know that they can let the feeling flow through them and they don't need to process it or hold on to it or try to figure out what made them sad.

Young reflector children might struggle in situations like slumber parties, family get-togethers and anywhere with a lot of people. If you have to go to a place with a lot of people, create an escape area for them, maybe a quiet room that they can retreat to, or even go sit in the car with them to give them a break.

You might even be able to make a game out of it. Which emotion is coming from which person? See if they can pinpoint where the feelings are coming from.

Reflector children can also pick up on inspirations and ideas from other people and feel like it is their own. So they might feel inspired to do something or start something, but then later the mood leaves because it wasn't theirs to begin with.

Overall it's important to help your Reflector child learn to discern what thoughts and feelings are their own, and which ones are not.


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