The Cost of Doing Nothing

business mindset Aug 23, 2022
Chelsie Kenyon Mindset Invest In Your Self

We are always so damn focused on the lack and the scarcity. We see paying for learning and growth as a loss. The money leaves our bank account.

But in reality, it's an investment. An opportunity. A moment to grow.

And what better thing to invest in than YOU which can have a huge ROI. You can be a better investment than real estate, stocks and even crypto.

And what's going to happen if you don't invest in yourself?

If your answer was 'Not a goddamn thing' you will be correct.

And if you honestly don't have a penny in your account, invest your time. Get on YouTube. Sort through all the lessons and trainings and piece it together.

Don't have time? Then invest your money to learn from somebody who has already done it and quantum leap your growth.

Feel it in your gut, work with someone you trust, and hit that 'enroll now' button!

It's time to let go of the scarcity and lack - and it's now time to quantum leap your growth!


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