The Other Side

life motivation Oct 05, 2022
Chelsie Kenyon Mindset Comfort Zone

Guess what, if you ever want to be successful in life, you have to be willing to jump, leap and destroy.

You have to be willing to have people talk crap about you.

You have to be willing to have people send you nasty emails.

You have to be willing to say what needs to be said and get backlash for it.

You have to be willing or say the wrong thing.

That’s another have to be willing to say the wrong thing, because sometimes you’re wrong and then you have to turn around and say, “Oh, I got that wrong.”

You have to be willing to do these things.

Otherwise, you’re going to stay in your comfort zone.

What’s on the other side of your comfort zone? Scary shit.

And instead of facing the scary shit, you will literally hang on to all your limitations, all of your excuses - like they’re so real. They’re like stones.

You hang on to these limitations like it’s a stone wall that’s impenetrable, and you’re just stuck there.

Bitch, get out the sledgehammer and I will go over there with you, and we will break down the wall!

We will break down the freaking wall. We will figure it out. I don’t care what we have to do. If we have to body slam the thing until we have bloody shoulders if that’s what needs to happen that’s what needs to happen.

That doesn’t sound fun, but you do it because it needs to happen to get to the other side.

And the other side is where the magic happens.

Let's GO!


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