There will always be somebody doing better than you...

business life motivation Nov 09, 2022
Chelsie Kenyon a business and marketing coach

There's always going to be somebody doing better than you. 👏
Making more money than you. 💵
Having a bigger following than you. 🌎
Growing their business faster than you. ⬆️

Their mere existence can cause you to feel like you are less than, not good enough, not smart enough, (or whatever other self-defeating thought pops into your head.)

Even the most confident people can be triggered like this.

And I know some gurus will tell you to just get inspired by these people. But for me, that's dismissive. Because those are very real feelings of inadequacy that you need to learn how to deal with, and rise above. Not just gloss over and ignore.

So when you start feeling less then, instead of continuing to look forward to the people who are ahead of you, LOOK BACK.

When you turn around and take a look, you will find people that haven't made it quite as far as you. 💡

There will always be somebody ahead of you. And there will always be people behind you.

So instead of trying to cover up your feelings of being less-than by telling yourself that you are somehow "inspired," look for the evidence of who you are "ahead of" and vibe on that.

Because the reality is that you are way farther ahead than a lot of people.

Now go fucking celebrate that you are AHEAD! And celebrate the fact that you have a whole bunch of people behind you that you can turn around and help!

Love love love you!

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