What is your truth?

human design life personality truth Apr 21, 2022
Chelsie Kenyon Human Design

I see so many gurus talking about living life in your fullest expression, letting the world see your magic, and stepping fully into who you were meant to be… etc. etc. etc.

And that's great and all. I say stuff like that too, sometimes. And it's all completely true.

But I know there are some of you out there who are like I used to be:

What exactly was my truth?
What exactly was I here to do?
What exactly was the fullest expression of me?

I mean, you weren't exactly given a manual when you came out of the womb.

But the good news is that the universe did actually leave you some clues through your energetic blueprint or your human design.

This is how I have gotten massive clarity on who I am, what I do, why I do it, how I do it, and what is my soul work and destiny.

• I've begun to uncover massive gifts that I had mistaken as detrimental qualities.

• I've stepped more fully into alignment, which has allowed even more abundance to flow into my life.

• I have begun the process of rebuilding my business into the perfect business model for me.

Here are just a few things that I have discovered through human design…

→ My life theme is restraint, diplomacy, and to temper my restlessness (Basically, the universe is telling me to calm down 🤣)

→ My spiritual path is learning to trust the universal rhythm through pressure.

→ I need to master innovation as part of my journey to overcome chaos.

→ I bring enthusiasm and the energy to help people take action and get started.

→ My heart and soul are driven to find new levels of self-assurance, discernment, and surrender.

→ I get to share my natural democratic leadership to help people get where they want to go.

So good!

This is just a teeny-tiny bit of information that I have learned about myself through my human design adventures.

But knowing these things has made life so much easier and more fun! ❤️

If you are a DYI kind of person or have a line 1 in your profile, then check out my course [DECODED].

Or, if you like a more personalized experience, reach out to me in a DM. I have lots of offers, 1:1, and programs, and I can help you find the best fit for you.


New to Human Design? Click here for a Quick Guide to Human Design for Beginners

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