Undefined Head Centers: Stop the Information OVERLOAD!

head center human design open undefined Mar 22, 2022
Human Design Undefined Head Center

You may have an open or undefined head center if…

✅ You feel an insatiable drive to gather as much information as possible.

✅ You get more emails than you could ever possibly read.

✅ You have a nagging feeling that you're missing something so you're constantly on the search.

✅ You buy books faster than you can read them

✅ You sign up for every freebie bit of info that you come across.

✅ You feel compelled to read endless articles


If this describes you, then you need to rein yourself in. What this looks like is unsubscribing from most emails, create a wish list of books and only purchase a new one when you have finished one in your possession, and spending plenty of time in the moment, not searching.

The thing to remember is that the person with the most information does not win. The person who takes the most action on the information they have is the winner. So learn to balance your information intake with action on what you learn.

Do you have an open or undefined head center?

(Do you suspect you might?)


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