Vacation Tips by the Centers! 🏖

centers defined human design open tips undefined Mar 30, 2022
Human Design Energy Centers Vacation Planning

Okay this is more for fun, because honestly any vacay is awesome but planning a holiday with activities according to your Human Design might help you enjoy that vacation just a little bit more! 🙌

Undefined Head Centers
Museums and tours of local historical places will inspire you! 🏛

Defined Ajna
Make a schedule, and book everything ahead of time. 🗓 (Undefined Ajna - You do the opposite. Schedule a couple of things but leave lots of open time to do things in the moment.)

Defined Throat Center
Make sure to let everybody that is involved know what you are looking at and what you are planning. Make sure to keep everybody informed as you go. ❗️

Undefined G Center/Identity
Find the most visually beautiful, rich, and luxurious places to go. You will feel so good surrounding yourself with gorgeous scenery and riches. ✨

Defined Heart/Will/Ego
Don't skimp on anything, and push the boundaries of your budget to make things happen. (Pushing the boundaries does not mean going into massive debt. Just try to get as much as you can for your money and don't be afraid to splurge a little.) 🎉

Defined Sacral
Jam-pack your vacation full of fun and physical activities like scuba-diving, hiking, skiing, or bike rides. 💪

Defined Spleen
From planning your trip, to enjoying your trip, trust those intuitive hits. Let your intuition guide you to picking the perfect spot, and knowing when to leave a situation. (Don't second-guess yourself.) 👣

Defined Solar Plexus
When choosing where to go and booking everything out 🤔, make sure you take plenty of time to come to a neutral place before taking action. You don't want to book or plan a vacation when you're feeling super great or super low.

Undefined Root
Don't feel pressured to plan it all out at once. Take your time and spread it over the course of a couple days or a couple of weeks so you can make sure to get the best deals, visit the best places, and create a memorable experience. ❤️

Hope that helps you plan out your next vacation!

What was your biggest takeaway? ✈️


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