Does your Human Design type not seem to fit you very well?

human design Feb 01, 2022

Sometimes I meet someone who feels like their type just doesn't resonate with them. Maybe they are a projector but they have spent their life starting projects and giving an invited advice. Or maybe they are an emotional authority but pride themselves on making quick in-the-moment decisions.


So here's the thing, Human Design "types" are basically a quick way to organize massive amounts of information.


There are over a thousand points of information on a single person's chart so trying to teach that right off the bat, would be overwhelming and nobody would understand what was going on.


So starting with five types makes it much more digestible and then you can build your knowledge upon that. 


If you feel like your type isn't a good match, there could be one of two things going on.



Your design is layers upon layers of information that come together to make your type. One of those layers of information are gates and channels. And the thing that could be causing you to feel like maybe your type isn't exactly right, is that there are different types of channels. There are generated channels, projected channels and manifested channels. You may have a various combination of these different types of channels that might be different than your type, which may lead you to feel like your type doesn't exactly fit. For instance, I am a Manifestor, but most of my channels are projected, So even though my energy type is to initiate, there are instances where I would need to wait for the invitation. If I didn't wait for the invitation in those instances, things might not go very smoothly even if I am acting in my Manifestor energy of initiation.



So this reason is the most common issue as to why you might not feel like your type. It all comes down to conditioning. We have been brought up in a world where everyone is taught to get things going like Manifestors, and work until the job is done like Generators. We have often overrode our energy blueprint in favor of what we were taught or conditioned to be like. We may look at our lives and think, 'well, it's all worked out so far" so we must be on the right track. But that couldn't be further from the truth. You are only on the right track of what you know of the track. What if there were other tracks that were even better? This is why deconditioning is the cornerstone of truly living your design. You must undo all the layers of conditioning to be fully in alignment. The deconditioning process takes a minimum of 7 years, and no skipping ahead of the line. 




So I hope that this helps you understand why your type might not feel like a good fit right now. Keep an open mind and take these things into consideration and I think you will find that your type fits you more than you realize ❤️


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