Deconditioning with Human Design

human design Apr 14, 2023
Human Design Chart Reading

There are two types of people in human design when they first read their chart.

Type 1: "This is so me, it totally explains everything and I feel so empowered and I'm excited to learn more!"

Type 2: "This is not me at all."

So the reason why this happens is because of conditioning. And some people are more conditioned than others. And some centers can be more conditioned than others. 

As an example, when I first found out I was a Manifestor, I really didn't believe it. I was a go-getter, fully ambitious and I felt like I was always working. In my mind, I felt like I fit the description of a Generator. So I wrote the whole system off. 

Luckily, Human Design did not write me off in return, and it continued to show up until I paid attention.

After deepening my understanding of what it is to be a Manifestor, I realized two things. One was that I had mistaken my Manifestor urge as Generator energy. But upon reflection, I also realized that I had huge gaps of non-productivity that I hadn't noticed before. I also realized that I was on the verge of burnout because I was pushing myself to act like a Generator. 

Once I began to see things for what they were, I kept an open mind and looked at everything with fresh eyes and realized that I had a lot of conditioning that was preventing me from feeling like my chart was a reflection of myself. Now that I have been deconditioning since 2018, my design continues to reveal to me deeper wisdom and greater authenticity every day. 

So if you feel like the things in your chart don't fully represent you, that's okay. Focus on the things that do, and allow the rest to reveal itself to you over time. Eventually, it will snap into place. 

And if you are one of the excited ones that felt like Human Design was highly accurate right off the bat, it may be very frustrating when you share the system with someone and they don't have the same experience. So hopefully I have given you some points that you can discuss with them so they can keep an open mind.

Want to begin deconditioning but you're new-ish to Human Design? Click here for a Quick Guide to Human Design for Beginners then visit this link here to get my free trainings to start.

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