The Gift of Cognition Dec 20, 2022

Which gift of Human Design cognition do you have? 

You have the gift to smell things out, whether that's a literal smell or an intuitive smell. You can simply smell things and no. You can identify truth, lies, what's trustworthy and what's unsafe. You can smell when...

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Wisdom of the Undefined Centers Nov 30, 2022

Undefined centers are places for deep learning and understanding. Through taking in other people’s energy in our openness, we can experience a multitude of different ways to be, so we can learn what works and what doesn’t and be smart about it.



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Cognition and Manifestation Nov 11, 2022

Manifestation can be enhanced by using your natural cognition to attract it energetically. Do you know your cognition? Pull your chart here and see what it is.


This is a "virtual" taste - like having "good taste" in something. Close your eyes and envision the best of the best and the...

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Secrets of the Ajna Nov 04, 2022

Ahhhh the joys of the Ajna center.

It can be the biggest source of anxiety out of all of the centers.

This is an awareness center, so it brings all kinds of mental drama to the table. When you start feeling like you can’t do it, make sure to recognize the shadow or block, and shift into...

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Quick Tips for Each Human Design Type Oct 13, 2022

Do you know your type? Understanding my energy has helped me transform my business.



Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get. You take on all the energy around you, and sometimes it's a challenge to discern what's yours and what's not. The moon...

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Feel all the things! Sep 28, 2022

We need to feel the array of emotions. AND… we don’t need to be controlled by them.

We are not meant to be ran by our emotions.

We are not meant to be ran by our appetite.

We are not meant to be ran by our sex drive.

We are meant to live in harmony WITH them.

Instead of ignoring, stuffing...

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You can follow rules and formulas and be massively successful! Aug 28, 2022

I've been a natural rule breaker since I was 15. Always pushing the boundaries of what I could get away with without landing myself in jail ‍

And when I first got into the entrepreneurial space, the messaging was mostly about following a certain path, certain steps, and certain formulas to get...

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We all have ALL of the chart Aug 21, 2022

It's not a matter of "not having" something, whether that's a gate or a center.

If you have a gate activated, it simply means you have that energy all the time.

If you don't have it activated, it means that you have that energy inconsistently, but you still have it. You can feel the energy a little...

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Why you feel your chart doesn't seem like you Jul 22, 2022

"I don't do that"
"That's totally not how I am"
"I'm not like that"
"That doesn't sound like me at all"

If you're looking through your chart information and it doesn't seem like you, that's because of a thing we like to call conditioning.

You were conditioned from the second you were born.
You were...

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Your Human Design is like a city Jul 21, 2022

Imagine your Human Design as a city...

So what type of city are you? (Strategy)
- One where the people go to make things happen?
- One where people go to complete and work on projects?
- One where people go to be seen and recognized?
- Or a city where people go to get a taste of all the things?


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Imposter Syndrome through the Undefined Centers Jul 19, 2022

Which of these centers do you have undefined? Have you ever felt like this?

Undefined Head : I don't know enough.

Undefined Ajna : People are going to find out that I'm actually not all that smart.

Undefined Throat : I don't know what to say.

Undefined Identity (G) : Who am I to teach this.


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Hustle: Is it bad? Jul 03, 2022

Is hustling bad?

Yes? No? Maybeeee?

Well, here's the deal...

I see posts from big-name high-profile, influencer-type coaches that talk about how you should absolutely hustle, there's nothing wrong with it, that you need to put the time in... etc. And then I see posts from other big-name...

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