Manifestors, your existence challenges people... May 24, 2022

Manifestors, your aura is a wrecking ball. It's built to move people and things out of the way so you can get things started.

Your powerful aura will either intrigue people or they will feel threatened. There really is no in between.

You were not born to be liked by the masses, so honestly stop...

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The Space Between the Urges May 22, 2022

Manifestors get an intense urge to do something. To create. To initiate.

In fact, when they are working from the power of an urge, they can get more done in a short period of time than any of the other types.

But then the energy begins to fade, and it's time to close it down or pass it off to a...

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Alignment is NOT perfection. May 19, 2022

Alignment is not always this perfect state of high vibes and unicorns and everything is happening perfectly for you.

Sometimes being in alignment means that you have a difficult conversation.

Sometimes being in alignment means that you hold your boundaries in the face of reaction and backlash.


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Manifestors don't get invited Apr 27, 2022

I've always found it funny how many projectors secretly wish that they were manifestors. They resent the fact that they have to wait for the invitation and wish that they could just go and make sh*t happen. Especially when they first find out that they are projectors, they feel a bit of fear or...

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What is your truth? Apr 21, 2022

I see so many gurus talking about living life in your fullest expression, letting the world see your magic, and stepping fully into who you were meant to be… etc. etc. etc.

And that's great and all. I say stuff like that too, sometimes. And it's all completely true.

But I know there are some...

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Manifestors are misunderstood by 91% of people Apr 20, 2022

I think most of the time, we just go through life thinking that everybody else thinks and feels pretty much like we do.

And in this case, the majority of the population are generators and projectors - neither of which are here to initiate and neither of which have a repelling aura.

So then you...

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How to pick a business that will be in ALIGNMENT with your undefined centers Apr 05, 2022

Undefined Head
Everything that everyone does around you, you will feel inspired to do yourself, even if it's not meant for you. Use your strategy and authority to help you filter out the noise.

Undefined Ajna
Choosing a business that requires you to have an open perspective instead of a...

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Vacation Tips by the Centers! 🏖 Mar 30, 2022

Okay this is more for fun, because honestly any vacay is awesome but planning a holiday with activities according to your Human Design might help you enjoy that vacation just a little bit more!

Undefined Head Centers
Museums and tours of local historical places will inspire you!

Defined Ajna

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Manifestor's 'rest' phase Mar 28, 2022

A manifestor cycles between initiating and resting.

The initiating takes up a lot of energy, and it can't last forever… So, after an urge to create comes an urge to rest.

But resting in the case of the Manifestor doesn't mean sleeping in bed all day.

It means resting or taking a break from...

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Undefined Head Centers: Stop the Information OVERLOAD! Mar 22, 2022

You may have an open or undefined head center if…

You feel an insatiable drive to gather as much information as possible.

You get more emails than you could ever possibly read.

You have a nagging feeling that you're missing something so you're constantly on the search.

You buy books...

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Cycles of the Manifestor Mar 21, 2022

Manifestors have a direct connection to the needs of the Collective. So a manifestor will get a sudden urge to create, innovate and initiate out of nowhere and it is correct for them to act on these urges.

When they first jump into the urge, it feels exciting and new and fresh and then the...

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Human Design versus Personality Tests Mar 09, 2022

Personality Test:

A quick (and limited) snapshot of where you currently are, with all your conditioning.

Human Design:

An in-depth blueprint of how your energy flows, that you can use to decondition and get into alignment.


I'm a huge fan of personality tests and I really love them for...

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